Children's Bible Lessons

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Baalam and the Donkey who Talked

Bible Story
Obeying God

When Baalam won’t obey God, God makes a donkey speak to him, teaching theimportance of obeying God and using our words correctly. This short dramatic piece teaches agreat lesson and is very engaging for children.

Being What God Wants us to Be_ 5-part series

Bible Object Lesson

This 5-part series focuses on 5 things that each Christian is to b

Book of Acts Part 10: Angel Rescues Peter from Prison

Bible Story

In answer to prayer, God sent an angel to miraculously deliver Peter from prison. This lesson teaches the power of prayer. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 11: God Strikes Herod Dead

Bible Story

Many children may be unfamiliar with this story from the book of Acts of God striking Herod dead for not giving God glory. The lesson teaches about the dangers of pride and the importance of giving God all glory. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 12: Saul's Conversion

Bible Story

This story begins the second half of the book of Acts which centers around Paul. This story tells the story of Saul's meeting with Jesus Christ, leading up to him being renamed Paul. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 13: Paul is changed

Bible Story
Holy Spirit

After Saul gets saved, he is drastically changed to a new person to the extent that he is now called Paul. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 14: Cyprus, Antioch, and Iconium

Bible Story

Paul and Barnabas begin Paul's first missionary journey. This lesson covers their first three cities to visit. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 15: Lystra

Bible Story

When God heals the lame man in Lystra, the people of Lystra glorify Paul and Barnabas as gods. This lesson teaches chlidren that all glory should go to God in praise--not to us. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 16: Paul Begins 2nd Missionary Journey

Bible Story

Paul sets out with Silas on his second missionary journey. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 17: Phillippi

Bible Story

Paul and Silas heal a possessed woman and then are cast into prison, but God allows them to be freed and to bring their jailer to Christ. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 18: Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens

Bible Story
God's Word

A lesson about three cities Paul and Silas visited on Paul's second missionary journey. The lesson shows the importance of God's Word in helping us to understand who God is and what God wants of us. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 1: Coming of the Holy Spirit

Bible Story
Holy Spirit

This children's Bible lesson tells the story of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the apostles' use of different languages. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 2: Healing the Lame Man

Bible Story

This lesson tells the story of Peter and John healing the lame man. The application emphasizes Peter's statement that the lost don't need silver or gold but need us to tell them the gospel. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 3: Peter and John on Trial

Bible Story

After healing a lame man at the temple, Peter and John are arrested for preaching. This lesson explains that God wants us to be like Peter and John who couldn't help but speak about Jesus. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 4: Ananias and Sapphira

Bible Story

By telling the story of Ananias and Sapphira, this lesson not only teaches that God hates lying but also how much God hates all sin. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 5: Apostles Escape from Prison

Bible Story

The apostles escape from prison through a mighty act of God. This lesson not only teaches God's power but also the importance to be telling the gospel to others--even if others don't like it. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 6: Stoning of Stephen

Bible Story

This tells not only the story of Stephen's arrest and martyrdom but also explains the sermon that Stephen preached to the religious leaders. This story tells the gospel very clearly and points out that lost people don't like to hear the gospel. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 7: Simon the Sorcerer

Bible Story
God's Power

A lesson from Simon the Sorcerer that God's power does not come through money. God's power only comes through the Holy Spirit. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 8: Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

Bible Story
God's Word

A lesson from Phillip and an Ethiopian man in why the Bible is so important to read, memorize, and meditate on--even if we don't understand it right away. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Book of Acts Part 9: Cornelius

Bible Story

The story of how God brought Cornelius, a good man, to salvation, and how God taught Peter that God is no respecter of persons. This lesson gets to the root of the gospel in a way that kids can understand. This story is part of a series through the book of Acts. To find the others, just look for "Book of Acts" in the lesson titles.

Cities of Refuge

Bible Story

A simple, scripted lesson for teaching kids what the cities of refuge meant to theIsraelites and what they can mean to us.

Don't Stain Your Reputation_ 5-part Series

Bible Object Lesson

This 5-part series works perfectly for a day camp. It’s all about theimportance of keeping our reputations clean. Correlated puppet scripts are included

Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones

Bible Story
God's Power

A simple presentation of the story of Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry bones. This script emphasizes that God's power in Ezekiel's time has not changed and can still be used in our lives today.

Fizzling Out

Bible Object Lesson
God's Power

The power of God is shown through Moses and the Red Sea in this fun object lesson.This short dramatic piece teaches a great lesson and is very engaging for children

Getting Down to the Bare Bones_ 5-part series

Bible Object Lesson
Doing Right

This 5-part series uses five lessons to explain and illustrate Psalm 1 tochildren. Illustrations, teaching material, and puppet scripts are all includes.

Hezekiah and Sennacherib

Bible Story

The Assyrian army surrounds Jericho and King Hezekiah, mocking the onetrue God. When Hezekiah turns to God in prayer, something amazing happens. This shortdramatic piece teaches a great lesson and is very engaging for children.

Jehoshaphat and the Singing Soldiers

Bible Story
2 Chronicles
Greatness of God

Jehoshaphat trusts God to deliver him and his army of singing soldiers from the Ammonites. Thisshort dramatic piece teaches a great lesson and is very engaging for children

Outline of the Book of Revelation for Kids

Bible Story

A simple introduction to the book of Revelation for kids. This is a great chapter-by-chapter look at Revelation that will be beneficial and applicable for kids


Bible Story

A short explanation of the word "repent" with multiple Scriptures to give context and help for kids.

Samuel Serves God

Bible Story
1 Samuel
Serving God

A brief review of Samuel's service to God with prinouts for visuals during the lesson

Taxes and Tithes

Bible Object Lesson

A simple explanation of God's intended use of our money--both in church and in government.

The Showdown of Showdowns

Bible Story
2 Kings
Faith in a Great God

Elijah pits his God against the god of King Ahab in the showdown of showdowns.This short dramatic piece teaches a great lesson and is very engaging for children.

The Stams: Missionaries to China

Missionary Story

The story of John and Betty Stam, their ministry in China, and their martyrdom forChrist. This short dramatic piece teaches a great lesson and is very engaging for children

The Star-Spangled Banner

Hymn Story

A Christian explanation for kids of the writing of the Star-Spangled Banner and whatit means to America

Treasures of the Deep: 4-part Series

Bible Story
God's Nature

Four stories that explain four different attributes of God. These are engaging and important Biblical truths to teach to children.

Two Spies

Bible Story

Two spies go into Canaan and find exactly what they need in this epic undercoverstory. This short dramatic piece teaches a great lesson and is very engaging for children.

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