Free PDFÂ downloads of Bible study materials, Sunday school lessons, and Bible word studies.
Seven Word studies on the seven things that God lists in Proverbs six that He hates.
Eleven word studies that explore Biblical analogies referencing athletes. These all show ways that the Bible tells us we are like athletes in our Christian race.
Six lessons on what we can be certain of even when times are uncertain.
A study on Hebrews 8-9 that emphasizes how much better Christ is than any other thing we could imagine.
Six word studies that look at the word "commit" throughout the Bible in its various contexts. These lessons show the full scope of what God has committed to us and what we must commit to Him.
A short lesson on 1 John 4:9 that emphasizes God's love for us.
A practical lesson on how we can have goals that are higher than our own selfish ambitions.
Nine lessons that explore a Greek Bible word meaning "It is necessary" throughout the Bible. These powerful lessons show the truth of what God has declared must happen in the future and what God has declared we must do in our lives.
A lesson on Genesis 3 that uses the game show concept of "Let's Make A Deal" to illustrate the foolishness of Eve's deal when she took the forbidden fruit. In the end, this lesson shows us the foolishness of all sin when we trade in God's approval for sin.
A lesson--geared for teens--that shows the impossibility of obedience without God's power.
A word study in Psalm 34 that explores what it means to taste and see that the Lord is good.
A basic outline of the book 1 Corinthians.
A Basic Outline of the book of 2 Corinthians.
A lesson--good for a men's retreat or men's Bible study--that practically examines how men can be wise in their lives and attitudes.
Five devotionals in Psalm 139 that remind Christians of God's presence and faithfulness
Two lessons in Psalm 91 that finds encouragement through the powerful promises of God.
A word study that explores the concept of redemption and the different contexts in which the Bible uses the word.
Two lessons that explore the word "remission" and it's contexts and meanings in the Bible
A word study on the word "saved' throughout the Bible with practical encouragement for Christians
Six lessons that explore the word "Secret" throughout the Bible. These word studies discuss the secrets of God and how they differ from the secrets of men.
Ten lessons that explore the word "Stand" throughout the Bible. These are filled with practical application on how to endure hardship and become a good soldier of Chrsit
Four lessons that explore the word "taste" throughout the Bible and gleans practical wisdom for today's Christians.
Nine lessons that cover the word "temptation" throughout the Bible.
A word study on "Thanksgiving" in the Bible--and what it means for today's Christians.
A brief outline and basic explanation of the Book of Malachi
A brief outline and explanation of the book of Micah.
A lesson on the importance of a "good name" before others. This lesson shows that good character must always precede a good reputation--and is ultimately more important than a good repuation.
Three lessons that look at Joshua before he becomes the leader of Israel in the book of Joshua. These show Joshua's preparation and faithfulness before taking the position God had for him.
Four lessons that explain four attributes of God: Love, Wisdom, Grace, and Holiness. All together, these form a wonderful picture of our God and of the gospel message.
A word study in Philippians 2 that explains what Paul means when he says to "work out your own salvation."